Data and commands to replicate figures and tables in James Igoe Walsh, "Political Accountability and Autonomous Weapons," Research and Politics
Replication data for: "Compulsory Voting, Habit Formation, and Political Participation
This replication package contains data and R code that can be used to reproduce all tables and figur...
Data and script to replicate findings in "Media Freedom and the Institutional Underpinnings of Polit...
Replication data for: "Accountability and Incentives of Appointed and Elected Public Officials
Replication data for Party System Institutionalization, Accountability and Governmental Corruptio
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Nation Building Through Foreign Interventio...
Replication Data for: "Political Conformity, Event-Study Evidence from the United States
This is the code and data for replicating: Carlin, Ryan E., and Shane P. Singh. 2015. "Executive Pow...
Replication data for the government ideology and representation example in Chapter 8 of Spatial Anal...
Replication data and code for "Political Chameleons: An Exploration of Conformity in Political Discu...
Online Appendix, Replication Data, do Files, and Codebook for Electoral Accountability for State Leg...
Data and code to replicate findings in "Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidenc...
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Political Advertising and Election Results"...
Replication data and code for all tables and figures in the main text and the online appendix for: "...
Replication data and code for: John Marshall, "Signaling sophistication: How social expectations can...
Replication data for: "Compulsory Voting, Habit Formation, and Political Participation
This replication package contains data and R code that can be used to reproduce all tables and figur...
Data and script to replicate findings in "Media Freedom and the Institutional Underpinnings of Polit...
Replication data for: "Accountability and Incentives of Appointed and Elected Public Officials
Replication data for Party System Institutionalization, Accountability and Governmental Corruptio
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Nation Building Through Foreign Interventio...
Replication Data for: "Political Conformity, Event-Study Evidence from the United States
This is the code and data for replicating: Carlin, Ryan E., and Shane P. Singh. 2015. "Executive Pow...
Replication data for the government ideology and representation example in Chapter 8 of Spatial Anal...
Replication data and code for "Political Chameleons: An Exploration of Conformity in Political Discu...
Online Appendix, Replication Data, do Files, and Codebook for Electoral Accountability for State Leg...
Data and code to replicate findings in "Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidenc...
The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "Political Advertising and Election Results"...
Replication data and code for all tables and figures in the main text and the online appendix for: "...
Replication data and code for: John Marshall, "Signaling sophistication: How social expectations can...
Replication data for: "Compulsory Voting, Habit Formation, and Political Participation
This replication package contains data and R code that can be used to reproduce all tables and figur...
Data and script to replicate findings in "Media Freedom and the Institutional Underpinnings of Polit...